A Week of Celebrations for Glad to Care

Springvale Care Home in Lennoxtown, Glasgow was both delighted and proud to participate in Glad to Care Awareness Week last week, which was celebrated amongst many in the care sector.
The purpose of Glad to Care Awareness Week is to recognise those that work in care and celebrate them for their dedication, hard work, and contribution to the lives of those that they care for as well as their loved ones.
Our home hosted a week of celebrations for our team here at Springvale Care Home near Glasgow, going to great lengths to ensure that each and every member of our team felt appreciated and valued for everything that they do.
We believe it's important to show our staff appreciation all year round, and we take the annual Glad to Care Week as an opportunity to go above and beyond for the team. As a result, we have created a positive environment where our residents are cared for by a happy and friendly team.
Motivational Monday
We kicked off our Glad to Care Week celebrations with a ‘Motivational Monday’, where the staff and residents joined together to do a keep fit class.
This was not only a great bonding experience for all but it also gave everyone plenty of giggles, some light activity, and a boost to their mental health.
Post-workout, the staff, and residents enjoyed homemade smoothies and a fresh fruit platter alongside a variety of other snacks to keep them going in the sunshine.
Tasty Tuesday
'Tasty Tuesday’ involved making homemade pizzas for the staff and residents to enjoy. Ross our new Chef joined the residents in the units as they made homemade dough and fresh pizzas.
As a new employee and with food being such an important part of our residents' day-to-day lives, Ross wanted to spend quality time getting to know the residents in a way that was engaging and also lots of fun.
The staff enjoyed a team-building exercise, creating bunting and dressing up our foyer to help us celebrate Glad to Care Week. The team thoroughly enjoyed some creative time and a laugh together, and our Maintenance Man, Patrick took full advantage of a photo opportunity.

Wellbeing Wednesday
Halfway through the week, we had 'Wellbeing Wednesday' which was intended for a relaxing yoga session. However, on the day we decided that it would be beneficial for everyone's wellbeing to burn off some energy, dress up and have a laugh whilst doing the conga around the home. This lit up our resident's faces who enjoyed cheering our staff on.
We did manage to get some relaxation in this afternoon with a little paddle in the paddling pools and some staff may or may not have got a little wet! The residents wanted to do the ice bucket challenge with staff, and Ross being a great sport kindly volunteered.
Wellbeing is extremely important to us here at Springvale Care Home and by definition, it is centred around positivity, physical and mental health, energy, and happiness and we do all we can to support our residents and staff with these every single day.

Thankful Thursday
As a small token of our appreciation to our staff, we put on a lovely buffet for them all to enjoy, even those who had a day off. Our staff are simply the best, and it was lovely for us all to come together and enjoy some delicious food, and a fantastic cake to celebrate them.
Our Thankful Thursday continued with the staff, residents, and visitors documenting what they are thankful for. We had many entries and it was so heartwarming to read all the lovely things that people in our community are thankful for, including the Springvale staff for providing a good life.

Feel Good Friday
Feel Good Friday was spent chilling by the pool after a very busy and exciting week celebrating #GladtoCare.
We are so very proud of ourselves, our home, and the residents who live here and we will always be thankful and appreciative of one another.